/BCO-DMO/LittleLagoonGroundwater/radium_isotopes_rs --year eq 2010-- Level 1

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#   Radium isotopes in surface water results from Little Lagoon(LL),
#   Lake Shelby(LS), Canal(C), and Pass(P) samples.
#   Errors are +-1 sigma based on counting statistics.
#     W. Burnett and B. Mortazavi, PIs
date_local  year    yrday_local  
05-Apr-10   2010    95           
site  lon         lat       sal    Ra_223  err_Ra223  Ra_224  err_Ra224  Ra_226  err_Ra226  Ra_228  err_Ra228  time_series  
LS01  -87.667     30.265    2.8    1.26    0.32       22.0    1.65       17.0    0.60       21.0    3.63       nd           
C02   -87.688     30.255    5.7    2.92    0.43       37.2    1.84       30.0    0.68       40.3    4.10       nd           
LL03  -87.691     30.258    24.5   5.01    0.79       39.2    1.42       16.8    0.02       41.8    3.22       nd           
LL04  -87.694     30.255    24.1   5.49    0.86       44.8    1.76       17.6    0.98       39.2    3.75       nd           
LL06  -87.725     30.253    23.7   5.05    0.87       36.6    1.57       15.5    0.11       34.5    2.75       nd           
LL08  -87.738     30.245    24.7   0.81    0.17       11.3    0.86       8.40    0.34       6.20    2.62       nd           
LL10  -87.768     30.246    26.2   2.56    0.35       27.7    1.39       10.5    0.41       10.9    4.00       nd           
LL11  -87.786     30.241    26     3.95    0.42       31.0    1.63       10.1    0.73       18.0    2.55       nd           
LL12  -87.809     30.235    26.2   4.68    0.59       34.2    1.98       12.4    1.11       26.1    4.37       nd           
date_local  year    yrday_local  
29-Jun-10   2010    180          
site  lon         lat       sal    Ra_223  err_Ra223  Ra_224  err_Ra224  Ra_226  err_Ra226  Ra_228  err_Ra228  time_series  
LL1   -87.725     30.253    22     5.19    0.51       94.2    2.42       32.3    2.92       96.7    4.74       nd           
LL2   -87.725     30.253    22     6.15    0.58       74.5    1.26       22.7    0.83       72.6    4.84       nd           
LS3   -87.664     30.258    3.6    2.63    0.28       24.2    1.14       22.6    3.97       80.0    3.82       nd           
LS4   -87.672     30.258    3.8    2.49    0.30       44.9    1.34       31.6    3.95       34.4    4.95       nd           
LL5   -87.716     30.255    nd     7.68    0.46       78.3    2.42       32.0    5.68       39.6    3.48       nd           
LL6   -87.694     30.255    21.9   6.28    0.46       92.5    1.63       32.4    0.31       91.2    4.77       nd           
date_local  year    yrday_local  
15-Nov-10   2010    319          
site  lon         lat       sal    Ra_223  err_Ra223  Ra_224  err_Ra224  Ra_226  err_Ra226  Ra_228  err_Ra228  time_series  
LL1   -87.725     30.254    24.5   4.11    0.36       28.0    0.70       20.7    0.81       51.4    4.86       nd           
LL4   -87.693     30.254    20.6   3.77    0.26       30.6    0.65       13.8    1.07       42.5    3.16       nd           
LS5   -87.667     30.265    3.3    2.08    0.24       40.6    1.30       25.2    0.59       26.3    3.18       nd           
C6    -87.689     30.261    16.7   5.81    0.47       58.9    1.34       26.4    1.91       55.1    4.32       nd           
C7    -87.688     30.255    21.5   4.83    0.38       55.1    1.01       19.8    1.13       54.4    3.92       nd           
LL8   -87.716     30.255    23.5   4.18    0.37       43.8    1.28       18.1    0.52       48.5    4.02       nd           
LL9   -87.692     30.258    22.7   1.69    0.27       21.4    0.83       10.1    0.15       23.5    2.55       nd           
C10   -87.694     30.26     21.8   3.33    0.29       25.4    0.52       12.5    0.66       30.3    3.15       nd           
LL11  -87.743     30.248    24.7   1.63    0.25       9.5     0.54       11.3    0.49       23.0    3.05       nd           
LL12  -87.737     30.243    29.7   0.95    0.16       7.8     0.28       6.53    0.46       9.3     2.29       nd           
LL13  -87.75      30.246    25.5   1.83    0.24       12.5    0.43       12.1    0.45       30.9    3.83       nd           
LL14  -87.768     30.246    24.4   2.19    0.26       17.3    0.78       15.2    0.49       43.9    3.95       nd           
LL15  -87.809     30.236    23.8   2.16    0.20       19.2    0.63       11.6    0.12       36.3    3.63       nd